What was called
is now called
Resource is the new term we will use for Employee
What was called
Job Role
is now called
is now called
Position is the new term we will use for Job Role
The link between a Resource and their Position
What was called
Employee number
is now called
Resource ID
An eight-digit number used to identify a Resource
What was called
is now called
Position ID
is now called
A six-digit number used to identify a Position
Client 11 - Cheshire East Council incl schools and ASDVS
Client 12 - Cheshire West and Chester Council incl schools & ASDVs
Client 13 - Cheshire Pension Fund
Client 14 - Academies
What was called
is now called
Legal Entity
Cheshire East Council is 101
Cheshire West and Chester Council is 201
What was called
is now called
Variable Payroll Transactions
Variable payment and deduction transactions e.g. Mileage, Overtime, Travel Expenses
What was called
is now called
is now called
Proxy user
is now called
Position Admin Form
Expenses are keyed in by the resource for their claims which vary from period to period are to be entered e.g. Mileage, Overtime, Travel Expenses. (If the Resource has access to Unit4 ERP)
a user who can key absence and payments on behalf of other resources
Used to create or amend a position
What was called
New Starter
is now called
Resource Admin Form
is now called
Employment Admin Form
To create a new Resource record
To Create a new Employment for a new starter
What was called
Change of Contractual Details
What was called
Leaver (single assignment)
is now called
Leaver Notification
is now called
Employment Admin Form
To Create a new Employment for a current resource who is moving positions
To Create a new Employment for a current resource who is taking on another position (in addition to their current position)
To amend contractual details on a current Employment
If Resource only has one position, and is leaving the organisation completely select 'Leaving Organisation'
If Resource only has one position, and is remaining employed with the Organisation select 'Leaving Position'
What was called
Leaver (multiple assignment)
is now called
Leaver Notification
is now called
Form ID
is now called
Transaction Number
is now called
Variable Payroll Transaction Status = Draft
is now called
Variable Payroll Transaction Status = No Workflow
is now called
If a Variable Payroll Transaction claim does not appear in your filter search list
is now called
Expense Overview - claim status = In Progress
is now called
Expense Overview - Expense claim status = Completed
is now called
Expense Overview - Expense claim status = Draft
is now called
is now called
If Resource has multiple positions, and is leaving the organisation completely select 'Leaving Organisation'
If Resource has multiple positions, and is remaining employed with the Organisation select 'Leaving Position'
This is the reference number that Unit4 ERP provides you with once you have submitted a form like the following; Position Admin Form (online), Resource Admin Form, Employment Admin Form, Leaver Notification
This is the reference number that Unit4 ERP provides you with once you have submitted an Expense Claim
The claim keyed has not yet been submitted to payroll, as it is saved as a Draft
The claim keyed has been submitted to payroll
This claim has been paid by Payroll
The claim has been submitted to payroll for payment
This claim has been paid by Payroll
The claim keyed has not yet been submitted to payroll, as it is saved as a Draft
Appointment Type e.g. Permanent, FTC, Casual
Position Code - This relates to the Legal Entity and the T's and C's to be applied. E.g. the POSCODE '101-SCHNT' can be broken down into 101 = Legal Entity for Cheshire East and SCHNT means School Non Teaching
What was called
is now called
Employment Relation
is now called
is now called
These are recurring payments or T's and C's set up against the Resource's Employment (per position)
Require an action to be taken
Are for your information